What is that surveyor doing here!?

Information for 3rd parties

Opening Remarks

If you've landed on this page, chances are you were pointed in this direction by one of our onsite survey professionals. You might have observed them operating in your neighborhood and are curious about our work or perhaps you're unsure of our activities. This page is designed to clarify our stand concerning enquiries from individuals who are not directly involved with our projects.

What's the Purpose of this Web Page?

Our main concern is to ensure our operations are carried out securely, comprehensively, and proficiently for our clients and stakeholders, all the while extending respect and civility to everyone we come across. Like every other enterprise, we abide by privacy laws and contractual responsibilities, and we are not at liberty to disclose specifics about our clientele and their intentions for contracting us.

From the perspective of our survey professionals, such enquiries can be frequent, which may result in unnecessary strain on their schedules. They need to keep their attention on the survey and the potential risks of the work environment. We aim for them to conduct their duties in a methodical and effective way, without hurrying to compensate for time spent otherwise, ensuring their safe return home.

Who are We and What's our Function?

We operate as a private limited organisation of measurement surveyors, governed by the RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) as Chartered Land Surveyors. Our clients contract us to gather survey and mapping data (measurements) for land, buildings, water bodies, roads, underground services, and so forth. We employ tripods and GPS poles, survey tools with eye-safe lasers, radar, sonar, and survey boats/drones, all while conforming to legal and regulatory frameworks.

We are granted access to both public and private lands and structures owned by our clients or organizations or third parties who have authorised our entry. At times, we conduct operations from public roads and spaces, carrying suitable public liability insurance.

What is happening to the Land/Building you are Surveying?

As dedicated measurement surveyors, we have no influence over the eventual use of our collected data.

How can I Contact You?

If you have concerns regarding public safety or the welfare of a staff member, please contact [email protected] so that we can look into the matter.

If your question pertains to any of the matters touched upon earlier concerning the intent of the survey or our clients, we regret to inform you that we can't share further details.

You are, however, free to email us, specifying your consent for us to pass your information on to our client. We will relay your query and confirm the action, but we will not be able to provide any subsequent updates or assistance.

We appreciate your curiosity in our operations and hope that our stance regarding safety, efficiency, and lawful operation is clear. Rest assured, if you ever need the services of a measurement surveyor for your own projects, we would extend the same consideration and respect to you.